
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Where did She Go?

Wow it's been a few months.

I managed very few films at the festival - I overestimated the energy levels I would have at 8 months pregnant.

I did see some great films, but missed quite a few. Some friends managed to benefit from my absence though getting the best out of my subscription tickets.

So since last I wrote

I have had a baby boy delivered by C-section after 3 days attempting to induce.
He is just adorable if I do say so myself.

Lets just say I didn't respond to any of the induction steps at all. The bub didn't want to come and I didn't want to let him out apparently.

My life has been taken up with the usual eating and feeding challenges you have with a newborn (I assume they are normal!) and a not so normal return trip to hospital with two separate complications making me feel like I was a week behind in getting on top of things (my own mental timetable I am sure) and slowing me down as I was not able to lift the baby myself for a week. T managed to get extra time off work (Thankfully) and as always has been an absolute gem in sharing the load.

Sometime down the track I might share my midwife/lactation consultant dramas, but for now lets not.

We are getting to know our little man who will be four weeks old on Friday - just 2 days time, seems so bloody quick.

On the knitting front I have had little time but am trying to finish off some baby things for a colleague of T's. Although our little man seems to know and wake as soon as I settle in for a row or two.

We have managed to get out with him before and since I have been in hospital. T did most of the pre-hospital lifting and pushing, but I have been out with the big pram and car with his Non and again with the newly acquired public transport friendly stroller just a short trip.

It's all about baby steps.