
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sydney Film Festival: Farewell Clare Stewart

The 2011 Festival brings to a close the five year tenure of Clare Stewart as Festival Director.

It has been an era of change with Clare extending the focus of the festival to single ticket holders and implementing the very successful Competitions. As a subscriber these changes may have reduced my personal menu at each festival but increased it's breadth by providing a wider range of experiences. I have even learned to love my new subscriber home in the Mezz instead of the Dress Circle.

The competitions in particular have bought a range of new generation films - some not to my taste - but that is what the festival is all about seeing new cinema. There has also been a revival of the festival with Sydney - many people are taking in screenings and other events associated with festival.

We have noted her style and wardrobe favorites (great boots) and have greatly appreciated an evolution of her presentation style with a more engaged and less confrontational approach with the audience. In addition your moderation of Q & A's kept the nonsense questions at bay.

Clare you have steered the festival well helping to keep it afloat when financial difficulties arose and saving I from obscurity. Good luck on your new journey.

Here's hoping the next director is as brave and creative!

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